Anal Fissure Treatment Without Surgery
Anal Fissures Can Be Treated Without The Need For Surgery.
If you are considering having surgery to correct your anal fissure it’s probably because you are at a point where you cannot stand the pain you are experiencing every time you have a bowel movement.
I know what you’re going through and how you feel.
I’ve been there.
Surgery is one way to deal with your fissure, but there is also an anal fissure treatment without surgery that will heal your anal fissure.
Nothing my doctor was prescribing for me was helping, nor working to heal my anal fissure. I decided to see a specialist and see what my options were to get this problem resolved. I was given two options.
Option One: Continue using the nitroglycerin ointment that was having no success at healing my fissure.
Option Two: Have Lateral Sphincterotomy surgery to hopefully correct the anal fissure (there is no guarantee that the surgery will actually heal the fissure!!).
My options were limited so I knew I had to make a decision. Was I going to continue to be in severe pain every day with the hopes of getting better or go in for the surgical procedure with no guarantee that it would be 100% successful either?
Needless to say, I was not happy with the options I had to choose from.
After a night of thinking about the pros and cons of the surgery I decided that I had no other choice than to have the surgery if I wanted to put an end to this pain.
So, the next day I called my doctor and scheduled the surgery. To make matters worse, the soonest they could perform the surgery was well over a week away! I knew that I would not last another week.
The next morning is a day I will never forget. My mom called me to see how I was feeling. I told her that I had decided to go ahead with the surgery, but was not happy about that being my only option.
She proceeded to tell me about an all natural product she found on the Internet and asked me if I wanted to give it a try.
My answer to her was, “Mom, I am willing to try anything at this point to make this pain go away!”. More about this product my mom found online in just a bit.
I need you to know some things about the Lateral Sphincterotomy surgical procedure that was supposedly going to heal my anal fissure.
There is no guarantee this surgical procedure will heal your anal fissure! The doctor will basically cut a small nick into the internal anal sphincter of your anal canal in order to help reduce spasms and increase the blood supply to the area.
This is usually done as an outpatient surgery under a general anesthesia.
The hope is that your body will have more blood circulation to the area so that the fissure can heal on it’s own.
So, you are basically getting cut again to heal your fissure? What?!?!?
Sounds like a strange way to fix a cut to me. But remember, this was my only choice if I wanted any hope of getting rid of this anal fissure.
Let me point out the advantages and dis-advantages of the surgery so you can make a better, educated decision about this surgical procedure.
Disadvantages to having the surgery:
- The surgery does not actually heal the anal fissure, it relieves the sphincter muscle.
- Even after having the surgery, the anal fissure still has to heal on its own.
- You will probably have difficulty controlling flatulence (farting/gas) and may also have minor fecal incontinence (fancy words for pooh leaking out of your rear end).
- The fissure may actually return if it does not heal properly.
- Bleeding from the area may occur until the fissure is fully healed and could result in a return to the operating room.
- Surgery is expensive.
- Must take time off of work to let your body heal. Lost wages.
Advantages to having the surgery:
- I honestly cannot think of any advantage to having the surgery over using the all natural H-Fissures oil.
Surgery is the LAST thing you want to consider doing to heal your anal fissure!
So, back to the product my Mom found on the Internet and how it changed my life. The product she found is called H-Fissures and is sold by Healing Natural Oils, a company located in California of the United States of America.
I immediately went to their website and read all of the information about the all natural oil that would, in their words, “treat the symptoms of your fissure quickly and effectively.” I ordered the oil. The oil arrived, I read the instructions, and got to work immediately because this was my absolute last hope for anal fissure treatment without surgery.
The directions to use the oil are simple:
Apply a few drops of the oil to the fissure area using your clean finger.
Do this three times per day and DO NOT miss an application.
I can remember my first day saying to myself, “Are you kidding me, this is going to heal my anal fissure while all of the other ointments, creams, and medicines prescribed by my doctor did not help my fissure heal.”
Well, what happened during the next few weeks was nothing short of a miracle.
My body started to heal and the pain actually started to slowly go away after each bowel movement.
Four months later my anal fissure was healed !!!
To this day I am amazed that an all natural oil is what healed my anal fissure.
Have you read the Top 10 Ways To Heal An Anal Fissure Naturally And Fast?
The 10 things I talk about are exactly what I did to heal my anal fissure.
Follow it and you will heal your anal fissure too 🙂
Still not sure if the H-Fissures oil is right for you? Feel free to send me a message with any questions you might have.
I am glad to help if I can.

David Neff
Creator of